Tuesday, April 28, 2009
SaHAbAT Ku.................
hayatku d uitm kdah hmpir tamat..3tahun brsama memg mustahil utk dlupakn..plbgai knangn manis n phit telah kta hadapi..ttp sumenye brada dlm ingtanku..d saat aku mnaip ni,aku rasa sdey bla skjp je masa brlalu..dlunye wktu sbgini,kmi asyik gelak ktawa d MP...g fdcourt utk brgosip..tp sumenya dh brlalu n mustahil akn brulng lg sbb rwyatku hmpir tamat d uitm kdah..pd mulanya aku impikn yg kta sume kna BTN sbb masa 2la rasanya nk brkmpul rmai2 blik..tp yg hnya pergi juz bbudak geng laki je..dh bbudak laki kos kta xrmai..
pd 30april ni kta dner rmai2 kt tg.dawai..masa 2 aku nk korg sume sdiakn tisu..mngkin ari last dh kta brsuka ria..lpas ni aku nk korg sume trus brjaya ngn apa yg korg impikn..jgnla lpa contact kwn2 bla dh nk mkn nasi mnyak ek..kta tgk spe yg kwen dlu...klu dtg sg.ptani,roger2 la aku..jgn rsau cz aku xkn smbong ngn korg..klu jmpa 2 tgur la yek..
'dan mungkin bila nanti,kita kn bertemu lg'...aku hrap kta akn brtmu lg k..so kta wt la reunion..
bla dh wt reunion,tlg la bg krjasama..dari situ la kta akn thu spe kwan kta yg sbnar..sama ada sorg kwan yg prlu kta bla dlm ksusahan ataupn kwan yg akn sntiasa brgelar kwan...sbb dari firasat aku ada mngatakn yg ada kwn dh lupa kwn d antara kta spt mna brlaku skrg...renung2kn la...
dari apa yg aku tahu skrg ni memg ada sorg kwn yg tol2 hargai prsahabatn dri segi apa luahan dia kt aku shngga kmi hmpir titiskn air mata..sume 2 brlaku masa wktu mlm d uitm s.alam..aku brbngga dpt kwn cm dia..siapakh dia???cuba la teka sbb aku xnk bgthu..hehearini tba2 sayu je at ni d sblik kgmbraan yg aku trima...wlaupn dh abs prsent tp aku sdey sbb mngkin arini kali trakhir aku jmpa hasan,ujek n faezah...thnks kpd diorg sbb susah sama2 ttp kta mmpu tmpuhi hlngan sama2(kta kn snior kt uitm kdah)..masa bgtu cpt brlalu..pjam celik,dh brakhirlah kgmbraan yg kta alami slama 3tahun..knapa bgitu pantas masa brlalu??knapa masa sllu mncemburui kta??knapa sume ni brakhir dgn ksdihan??aku kna kuatkn smngat..slpas ni masing2 susah dh nk brkmpul,brjmpa skali...mungkin dh ada yg lupa kt aku suatu ari nnt..ttp aku tetap igt kt korg sume sbb aku sgt hepy brgmbra ngn korg sume..mungkin aku ni xda adik bradik..2 yg mmbuatkn kwn adalah tmpat utk aku brjenaka yg trlmpau..bla tnpa korg,mulalh aku rasa ksunyian..aku akn doakn sumenye brjaya dlm hdup..tp yg plg pnting, jgn lupa kwn..2 memg hrapan aku kpd korg sume..huhu...wa!!!!!sdihnya aku......PeaSNOworld..........palik dahi...hehe
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
PenANtiAN 26 AprIL 2009
mest xlekat kt umh dh pe aku masa cuti sem..
biasala....bla jmpa geng2 kn..tmbah plk geng2 IPTA n POLI pn cuti gk...
memg pnuh la aktviti..tp masa cuti sem ni aku rasanya dh ada kje..
cm biasala..mngajar form4&5 pasal AUTOCAD...
kmi memg xabis contract lg ngn S.Menengah..
stil ada contract sjak 2006 xsalah aku...
smbil 2 xsabar gk nk mngadap kmputer je..
nk men game..hehe...nk men game gna kmputer baru..
GAMiNG series...hehe
ha....lpa plk...yg tol2 enjoy masa 26april ni juz aku,ani,su n akim...
yg len kna dtg kje lg...haha...
mlm 26april 2 kmi nk g tgk wyg lpas men bowling...
overnite kt penang..korg xleh ikut...
cz ari isnin kna bngun awl g kje..
cm kmi leh tdo lg....yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Standing In Eyes Of The World
-Ayat2 cinta-rossa
-Apoligize-One republic ft timbaland
-Umbrella-rihanna ft jay-Z
-The Day U Went Away-m2m
-Ku Milikmu-ct nrhaliza
-Pakai Kanta Cinta-Elyana
-Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang-Imran Ajmain
-If I Let U Go-Westlife
10. WHAT IS 2 + 2?
-Pastikan-Ct Nrhaliza
-Take Me Away-Avril
-Retorik Cinta-Kristal
-End Of Me-
-Swear it Again-Westlife
-im Fell In Love Wif Dj-Chenelle
-Beautiful girl-jojo
-Pagi Yang Gelap-Hujan
-Standing In Eyes Of The World-Ella
Thursday, April 16, 2009
KeNAngaN YG tErINdaH d UiTM masa PArt 1
TQ keown cz bg idea utk aku nk kngsikn pnglman,knangn d uitm..
pd mulanya aku dpt twaran UiTM kdah,memg aku xnk trima sbb aku lbey ska ke KPTM or KUSZA..aku lbey ska dpt twran dri KUSZA n KPTM atas alsan memg aku minat kos 2..
dsbbkn family aku yg lbey mnglakkn aku amek IPTA sbb IPTA ni bidang professional,so aku pn trima je la twaran 2..
aku rsau gk nk msuk IPTA sbb org ckp IPTA ni tmpat org pndai..so aku rsa cm xssuai ngn diriku ini..masa hari pndftaran aku kt UiTM,aku bratur pnjang..masa 2 aku tgk hnya 2,3 org je laki..yg len sumenye gurl..aku pn nek glisah la npe rmai sgt gurl..tba2 ada org ckp yg aku msa 2 line up kt kwasn gurl..kwasan boy kt area len..p2tla gurl rmai sgt..hehe..memg masa 2 xda knalan lngsung yg dpt twaran sama ngn aku..
bila masuk je klej malinja A317,aku trtarik ngn keadaan bilik..sblm ni aku imagine cm asrama masa skolh mnengh..rpanya lg slesa..masa 2 aku dpt roomate sumenye dri budak skolah agama..pergh..aku respect diorg ni sumenye alim la..rpanye 2X5 ngn aku..hehe..
masa MMS kmi ni cm d anak tirikn sbb kmi kn frst batch..MPP pn xtau kwjudan kos kmi..huhu..
masa klas pertama,memg aku tulis ja apa yg lcturer ckp,apa yg lcturer 2lis..mklumla...masa 2 dk skema lg...hehe..bg aku masa part1 la plg lma tau x..sbb rsa cm mcm2 wt..lecturer yg plg garang masa 2,pn erny la..pn.khairul la lecturer plg smpoi masa 2..hehe..
knvoi raya plk yg plg aku xleh lpa,kmi g raya kt umh sue..tp xknal pn sue..hehe..sdgkn stu kos kn..masa mnggu exam la plg besh..aku,ujek,ikmal,hakim,keown sllu stdy kt surau..tepat pkul12 je,movie time..trus g lepak kt bilik ujek n tgk mvie...hehe...wa...byk lg nk cte ni..hehe
nnt smbung balik cte k..
kwn2....tgkla video kt atas...lgu yg kta kna hafal masa MMS dlu..hehe..
tp masa MMS aku lngsung xknal budak kos kta..yg aku igt pn yon..
cz dia stu geng ngn aku dlm lvrpool fan..hehe..
2 pn knal msa ari last MMS..kbtulan aje..ps2 knal la ujek..
sorg budak yg baik masa 2..haha..bg aku dia sorg yg skema masa 2(jgn mrah ye ujek)..
tp yg plg pnting is aku rasa cm stu CS budak dri IMAN cm ikmal,ujek,keown,hakim,farid n padil..geng terer cmputer plk aku pnggil geng star..geng yg brgelar ZAFT skrg ni..hehe..
masa part1 dlu aku kerap g ovrnite ngn geng2..byk abis duit kt ctu la..
masa part2 bru aku byk abis duit kt awek aku..awek yg impikn tlh pn trcpai cz dri skolah dlu aku cple ngn gurl pn juz bg diri ni xkseorngan..padahal dlm at ni dk rasa nk cri yg len..
aku minat gurl yg xsosial n fresh(xpnh cple)..so masa part2 la aku bru dpt awek cm ciri2 2..
so smpai skrg la dk cple lg..dlu,kini n slmanye(klu ada jdoh) cz dh boring br2kr awek..hehe..
mmbazirkn duit je..masa 2 ada 4cple dri budak CS..skrg ni tnggal 2cple je..tp dlm 2cple ni yg spcialnye mest 'abg' die dk kt kdah n 'syg' die dk kt slngor..mungkin nnt kmi kwen skli kot..kn zul kn??hehe..
nntkn smbungan strusnya dlm episod crita KeNAngaN YG tErINdaH d UiTM masa PArt 1
pd wktu n ari yg sama..stay tuned!!!hehe
SiAPakAh JuARa??
TEAM A:aiman(kapten),zul,hasan,dewi,mat ber..
TEAM B:ujek(kapten),hakim,din,ikeen,sue...
musuh pertama antara kapten dgn kapten
aiman(kapten TEAM A) from sungai petani
-pemenang pertandingan bowling antara sungai2 sdunia
ujek(kapten TEAM B) from kolar katil
-pemenang pertandingan bowling antara pemelihara2 kolar sdunia
musuh kdua antara geng bju putih
zul from alor setar
-pemenang pertandingan antara geng pkai topi sdunia
hakim from alor setar
-pemenang pertandingan antara org utan sdunia
musuh ketiga antara geng brmata 4
hasan from klate
-pemenang pertandingan bowling antara pemakan budu sdunia
din(aku) from sg.petani
-pemenang pertandingan bowling antara petani2 sdunia
musuh keempat antara istri2 org
dewi from jauh oo(johor)
-pemenang bowling antara org2 jauh sdunia
kin from tg.karang(koqdiang jawa)
-pemenagn bowling antara org2 jawa koqdiang sdunia
musuh kelima antara jantina(laki lwn gurl)
mat ber from kolej malinja
-pemenang bowling antara kolej2 malinja sdunia
sue from non-resident(NR) merbok
-pemenang bowling antara NR merbok sdunia
pusingan pertama pertandingan ini d mnangi oleh TEAM A yg mmpunyai majority tipis iaitu 2pin shj..ttp pusingan kdua TEAM B bngkit dgn sentuhan juksu(aura) yg hebat apabila mmnangi pusingan kdua dgn mjority yg amat bsar..
kptusannya TEAM B mnang dgn aggregat yg sukar d kira kerana dh lpa...
TEAM B mmnangi hadiah voucher bernilai RM000000000(voucher xda nilai) utk mkn d rstoran trkemuka d medan selera tmn sjati..
TEAM B blnja(mkn duit sndiri k) TEAM A mkn d ctu dgn mnggunakan voucher xda nilai..
kmi hnya musuh dlm prlwanan bowling shj ttp d luar kmi brstu padu utk mmbngunkan mlysia ke arah negara yg cmrlang gemilang dan trbilang staraf dgn ngra2 maju len..
inilah muafakatan yg prlu ada sbg rkyat mlysia....hehe
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
tanggal 15April 2009
arini terciptalah sejarah yg aku memulakan hdupku pd arini iaitu ari rabu,tanggal 15april2009 n pkul 11.00 pagi dgn prlncaran bsar2an my blog..aku memg xtau cner nk setting blog ni..akibat trpngaruh dri kwn ku yg gedik iaitu kin n ani,menyebabkn aku trasa nk wt blog..dsbbkn aku xsmpat nk web sndri, so aku ciptalh blog sndri utk wt bsnes cz wt blog ni snang dari wt website..hehe..anyway aku ucapkan slamat dtg kt blog aku..harap korg enjoy...hehe
LIVepooL RumoRS
According to the Daily Mirror, Liverpool are ready to swoop for Athletic Bilbao 20 year old midfielder Javi Martinez.
According to a report in the British broadsheet The Times, Liverpool are preparing a bid for Carlos Tevez, whose loan deal at Manchester United is set to expire at the end of the season.
It seems that the Argentina international striker has resigned himself to departing Old Trafford this summer, after he revealed that he was frustrated by the lack of playing time he had been afforded this season.
Furthermore, the Red Devils appear to have shown reluctance to take up the offer put forward to them to acquire the economic rights of 'El Apache' from his owners.
However, it is claimed that United manager Alex Ferguson does want to keep hold of the 25-year-old and may urge the club to pay the alleged €24.5 million (£22m) they have been quoted.
Tevez has stated that he has several options should he decide to leave the European champions, and it is thought that as well as Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester City and Inter are all keen to add him to their squads.
However, should the former Boca Juniors and Corinthians star opt to pursue a career away from Old Trafford, it is said that the club looking to land him will have to pay more than the figure Man United would.
According to the French press, Liverpool coach Rafa Benitez has asked his club officials to sign Lille 24 year old defender Adil Rami for 15 million euros. The French player is also tracked by AC Milan, Bayern Munich and Manchester United.
Bolivian International Marcelo Moreno is understood to be on the radar of Liverpool, Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea, with the Premier League’s ‘big four’ possibly set to lock horns in the summer for the striker, according to reports.
21-year-old Moreno, who joined Ukrainian side Shakhtar Donetsk only last summer for €9million from Cruzeiro and has been in fine form for both Shakhtar and Bolivia this year. The young striker scored one of the goals, in the 6-1 rout of Argentina recently and is thought to have a bright future.
Under contract at the RSK Olimpiyskyi until 2013 it is believed that Shakhtar would want to double their outlay on Moreno, should the ‘big four’ in the Premiership come calling in the summer.
Moreno has found the net seven times in twelve caps for Bolivia, with the striker playing for both the Brazilian Under-18 and Under-20 sides before opting to play for La Verde.
Nine goals in 29 matches for Shakhtar has attracted the interest of the major English sides, with it remaining to be seen if the young Bolivian does indeed end up at Old Trafford, Stamford Bridge, Anfield or the Emirates.
Another attempt for HeinzeAccording to the Daily Star, Liverpool are ready to swoop for Real Madrid 32 year old versatile defender Gabriel Heinze, who was about to move to Anfield Road three years ago. As recently reported, the Argentine is also tracked by Tottenham, who are ready to bid 7 million euros for him.
Heerenveen's Danijel Pranjic Admits Interest In Joining Liverpool
The Croatia international winger says he is uncertain about speculation linking him with a move to Anfield, but confesses it is something he would very much welcome...
Liverpool & Chelsea Tracking Portuguese Starlet?
Premier League giants Liverpool and Chelsea are both understood to be tracking young striker Wilson Eduardo at Portuguese side Sporting Lisbon, according to A Bola.
18-year-old Eduardo has excelled for the Sporting youth side and the Portuguese Under-19’s, which has placed the young starlet on the radar of both the Reds and the Blues, who are believed to have had the striker watched several times.
Regarded as one of the most promising youngsters in Portugal, Eduardo
has yet to play a senior game at the Estadio Jose Alvalade, but was included in coach Paulo Bento’s squad for the recent match against Estrela da Amadora.
A striker with great pace, Eduardo has already drawn comparisons with current Sporting striker Liedson, who has found the net 15 times in 27 games this term. It, remaining to be seen if Liverpool or Chelsea follow, up this reported interest and bring the young Portuguese starlet to the Premiership.
Spurs Leading Arsenal & Liverpool In Race For
Moroccan Hotshot?
Tottenham Hotspur are understood to be leading Premier League rivals Arsenal and Liverpool in the race for Marouane Chamakh at Ligue 1 title hopefuls Bordeaux, according to The Daily Mail.
Alvaro Negredo : I Want To Join Liverpool
Alvaro Negredo has revealed that Liverpool have made their interest in him known and has stated that he would like to join them and play alongside Fernando Torres.
The 24-year-old striker is currently playing for Alm eria, but Real Madrid have a buy-back clause in his contract that they could activate this summer in order to sell him on.
Liverpool's confirmed interest will heighten expectations of boosting Los Merengues' transfer fund and Negredo is hopeful that a deal can be worked out.
"To play next to Fernando Torres at Anfield is a dream and any player would accept that," he told Sky Sports.
"But I prefer to talk about reality and I have not spoken with Rafa Benitez, but I do know that some contact exists between the clubs."
After playing for Madrid's B team, Castilla for two season s, Negredo was sold to Almeria without being given a first-team opportunity, and he has enjoyed himself at the Andalucian outfit.
But if Los Merengues do not want him back to form part of their squad next term then the former Rayo forward would like to try his luck at Anfield under Benitez.
"My future depends on Real Madrid, but I believe that this summer I will be out of Almeria," he continued.
"I am grateful to Almeria because they have given me my chance to play in the Primera Liga.
"But it is logical that I am interested in playing in the Premier League and especially Liverpool.
"I believe that playing in England would be a great chance for me as this league is a sensational place for forwards."
Spurs,Liverpool& Man City On Alert As Brazilian Winger Hints At Summer Departure
Premiership trio Tottenham Hotspur, Liverpool and Ma nchester City along with Bundesliga giants Bayern Munich, will be buoyed by the comments made by Michel Bastos at Ligue 1 side Lille, who claimed suggested he could leave Les Dogues if they fail to qualify for the Champions League.
Voronin To Fulham??
Voronin has been in sensational form in the Bundesliga of late, and there had been rumours that even Bayern Munich were impressed and interested in the player. However, now Fulham are ready to lodge a 3 million GBP offer for the frontman in an effort to lure him to Craven Cottage.
Babel Set For Wigan??
Ryan Babel signed for Liverpool from Ajax in 2007 for a five year deal worth £11.5m. Although he scored his first goal Premier League in less than three wee ks and his Champions League debut goal a month later, he was never in the first-team plans. The Dutch winger had been closely associated with a move to Arsenal two weeks ago. The latest report is that Babel thinks Steve Bruce's Wigan is better for a permanent first team football opportunity. Babel, who was signed along with Benayoun, was pushed into the benches in the coming months, meanwhile Benayoun became an integral part of the Liverpool first team. The Liverpool boss, Benitez, follows a rotation policy for many of his players, has never shown much confidence is the Dutch winger. The player had reportedly been upset by sidelined every time and had pleaded for first team opportunity for ever. It seems that Benitez is not convinced about the players abilities though Liverpool legend King Kenny thinks "Babel can terrorize defenders with his pace and trickery". Babel's contract with Liverpool ends by the 2011 season end, and he might cost near to £9 m.
Los Che Star Still No1 Liverpool Target??
Spanish International David Silva at Valencia is still the top transfer target for Liverpool manager Rafa Benitez, with a summer bid by the Merseyside club being mooted for the Los Che star, according to The Times.
Several players are expected to leave the Mestalla in the summer, with the La Liga club reportedly massively in debt and need to sacrifice some of their key players in order to balance the books at Valencia.
23-year-old Silva is bound to be amongst them, with Benitez’s interest in the winger well documented. It had been reported that Liverpool already had a deal in place for Silva to join the Premiership side in the summer for £25million, but this was called off due to details being leaked to the press. Causing Benitez to claim that Silva was not a target for Liverpool.
Now it is reported that Benitez still has Silva, who has scored 22 goals in 116 appearances since coming through the youth system at Los Che, high on his radar. It suggested that Liverpool, will make a move in the summer and that Benitez will land the EURO 2008 winner.
Valencia value Silva, who is under contract at the Mestalla until 2013 in excess of £20million, but Liverpool are understood to be unwilling to pay this asking price. The Premier League club more than aware of the Spanish clubs financial plight and ready to take advantage of the need to sell.
Silva had been the subject of a bid by Serie A giants Juventus in January, but with La Vecchia Signora about to tie up a deal for Brazilian playmaker Diego. Liverpool are the front-runners for the signature of the Spaniard.
Report: Liverpool To Challenge Juventus For Napoli Ace Ezequiel LavezziPress reports this week have claimed that Juventus have been in talks with Napoli striker Ezequiel Lavezzi over a summer move to Turin. Today’s Corriere dello Sport alleges that the Old Lady could face competition from Premier League giants Liverpool.
It is suggested that Reds coach Rafael Benitez is ready to bid up to €25 million to take ‘El Pocho’ to Anfield, where he could form a fearsome partnership with Spanish international Fernando Torres.Yesterday, Lavezzi’s agent insisted that his client was happy in Naples, but he made it clear that the player is dreaming of featuring in the Champions League in the near future. In addition, he alleged that the Partenopei could opt to sell him to a foreign club to avoid strengthening one of their Serie A rivals.
However, Napoli’s director of sport, Pierpaolo Marino, reiterated yesterday afternoon that the club has no intention of parting company with either Lavezzi or Slovak international Marek Hamsik.
Rafael Benitez Ready To Sell Eleven Liverpool Players-Report
Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez is reportedly set for a summer clear-out, with 11 players expected to leave Anfield.
The News of the World claims that the Spaniard is ready to sell a whole host of players including Ryan Babel, Albert Riera and Xabi Alonso, in order to raise funds.
The tabloid claims that Benitez needs the finances in order to finally sign Gareth Barry from Aston Villa and to compete with the likes of Chelsea and Manchester United in the transfer market.
Along with Babel, Riera and Alonso, the Liverpool boss is reportedly also ready to offload Jermaine Pennant, Philipp Degen, Charles Itandje, Sami Hypia, Jack Hobbs, Andriy Voronin, Sebastian Leto and Andrea Dossena.
Benitez is hoping to raise more than £44 million from these player sales and is rumoured to be handed a further £20 million from the club’s American owners.
These not inconsiderable funds will allow the Spaniard to secure the signature of Gareth Barry for £8 million, after spending most of last summer chasing the midfielder.
Whilst Barry has remained at Villa this season, he has made no secret of his desire to leave and join Liverpool and he may now finally get this wish at the end of the season.
Should Barry arrive at Anfield, this could even spell the end for Xabi Alonso who, despite being close to leaving the club last summer, has enjoyed an impressive campaign with the Reds.
Despite being a fan favourite, the Spaniard could be deemed surplus to requirements and with both Juventus and Manchester City reportedly interested in signing him, his time at Anfield may be coming to an end.
Liverpool On Brink Of Signing Danijel Pranjic-Report
Liverpool are reportedly closing in on Heerenveen winger Danijel Pranjic, in a deal believed to be worth around €9 million.
The Croatian international has long been linked with a move away from the Dutch side and he admitted recently that he would welcome a move to Anfield.
That move is now looking a little more likely with the Sunday Mirror reporting that he is set to become Rafael Benitez’s first summer signing.
The 26-year-old has been in excellent form for the Dutch side this season and has attracted interest from the likes of Sevilla and Real Betis.
The British tabloid reports that Pranjic’s agent has been back and forth between the two clubs this week in a bid to discuss terms and seal the deal.
Heerenveen director Yme Kuiper has also admitted that the Reds are Pranjic’s preferred destination, saying, “We understand Liverpool is the club where Pranjic wants to go.”
Pranjic has scored 16 goals this term and helped the Dutch side to ensure they will play in Europe next season.
However, Pranjic now appears set to leave the Eredivisie and should he complete his move to Anfield, this may even signal the end of Albert Riera’s Liverpool career.
Ready To Bid Downing
Liverpool officials are ready to bid 15 million Euros for Middlesbrough left winger Stewart Downing.
Liverpool Close To Signing Uruguayan International?
Liverpool are understood to be on the verge of bringing striker Diego Forlan back to the Premier League, with it reported that the Reds already have a verbal agreement in place for the former Manchester United player, according to Spanish paper Sport.
The paper claims that the only stumbling block is the Premiership club have yet to settle on a fee with the Uruguayan International’s club Atletico Madrid, who are keen to hold out for the €36million release-clause in Forlan’s contract at the Vicente Calderon.
However, it is suggested that Reds manager Rafa Benitez could land Forlan for around €24million, with Brazilian midfielder Lucas Leiva, who has attracted the interest of Los Colcheneros in the past, going the other way.
Forlan endured a difficult time while at Old Trafford between 2002-2004, finding the net just 10 times in 63 games, but has been a sensation in La Liga. The striker scoring 57 goals in 120 games for Villarreal before replacing Anfield hero Fernando Torres at Atletico, where Forlan has scored 47 goals in 81 games.
Under contract at the Vicente Calderon, Forlan has scored 20 goals in his 53 caps for Uruguay, with the striker, who cost Atletico €21million from Villarreal in 2007 seen by Benitez as the ideal foil for Torres at the Merseyside club.
Manchester United's Carlos Tevez Keen On Move To Liverpool-Report
According to a report in the British tabloid The Sun, Carlos Tevez would like to join Liverpool at the end of the season.
The Argentina international is currently on loan at Manchester United, where his two-year spell comes to an end at the close of this season.
The Red Devils are thought to have first option to purchase 'El Apache' on a permanent basis, but it seems that they are unwilling to pay the £26-30 million it is claimed his owners are holding out for.
Should United decide they do not want to buy him this summer, the 25-year-old forward will be free to negotiate a deal with any other club.
While it is said that the likes of Spanish giants Real Madrid and Italian outfit Milan are interested in adding the former Boca Juniors and Corinthians star to their squads, the player has revealed he would like to remain in England.
Joining Liverpool would allow Tevez's family to stay in Cheshire, where they currently reside and say they are firmly settled.
Apparently, the Merseyside-based outfit have contacted the former three-time South American Player of the Year's owner, Kia Joorabchian, to notify him of their interest.
United have been staunchly against selling players to Liverpool in the past, and manager Alex Ferguson recently blocked Gabriel Heinze's proposed move to Anfield.
However, the Scot will have little say on whether Tevez can join the Reds, while the striker is apparently unconcerned about what United fans might think of the move as he has always made clear his desire to remain at Old Trafford.
According to The Sun, Liverpool coach Rafael Benitez is lining up a "take it or leave it" £15m bid for Valencia winger David Silva.
Rafa Benitez is reportedly still ready to make a move for David Villa in the January transfer window. The Liverpool boss is desperate to bring in the forward from Valencia.
It is believed that Liverpool will make an offer of around £23 million to land the talented Spain international.
The rumours that the Valencia forward would leave the club have been circulating for a year, but as yet no movement from any club apart from Man City last year.
Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez announced that he is going to buy a few top players and to do that he would need to sell some of his men. Liverpool's next season transfer budget is around £25m and that won't suffice if they want to sign Spanish super stars David Villa and Silva.
The first player to move out is Sami Hyypia who is in talks with Bayer Leverkusen and would join them for the next season. He had spent over 10 years at Anfield, his move is inevitable, as he is not young anymore.
Another defender who is set to leave Anfield next season is Daniel Agger who is in the radars of AC Milan and Juventus. Liverpool might get around £10m for the solid centre defender.
Xabi Alonso is the next one in the list even though he is a fan favourite. Benitez is keen to sign Gareth Barry and that would make Alonso out of favour with Mascherano and Lucas already in the first team. Alonso is linked with Juventus, Arsenal and Real Madrid. An inside report from Arsenal suggested that Wenger is keen to add Alonso to his squad.
Andriy Voronin is likely to make his loan deal at Hertha Berlin permanent, and the out of favour, Ryan Babel, is likely to move to some other Premiership that could offer him a regular first team chance. The speculations from Spain suggest that strong left midfield Albert Riera would make a return to the La Liga - Valencia might sign him if the Silva deal happens.
Alvaro Arbeloa, Fabio Aurelio and Andrea Dossena are likely to find new clubs in the coming season.
Liverpool are reportedly ready to make a move for Mamadou Sakho, the Paris St. Germain defender. The player is comfortable playing at left back or in central defence, and is desperate to try his luck in the Premiership.
It is understood that Mamadou Sakho is one of Rafa Benitez's top five targets for the summer transfer window.
Mamadou Sakho is valued in the region of £10 million, and it is understood that Fabio Aurelio's future at Liverpool is uncertain, whilst there are also rumours that some of the centre backs at Anfield could be heading for the exit door.
Liverpool and Barcelona are both interested in Cadiz midfielder Jesus "Suso" Fernandez. The promising teenage player is nicknamed the "new Fabregas" in Spain.
Liverpool To Make Bid For Athletic Bilbao Star Javi Martinez-Report
Liverpool look set to swoop for Athletic Bilbao midfielder Javi Martinez in the summer, and will test the Basque club's resolve with a £12m bid.
According to reports from The News of the World, Coach Rafa Benitez has had the 20-year old playmaker watched by his chief scouts on a number of occasions, and now want to add Martinez to the already prominent list of Spaniards plying their trade in Merseyside.
Xabi Alonso's future continues to be a source of much speculation, and it is thought that Benitez is looking to Martinez to replace Alonso should, Real Madrid take steps to tempt him to the Bernabeu.
The tall, cultured midfielder is closing in on 100 top-flight games for Bilbao despite his tender age, and this season has one again shows his class and ability to play at a higher level.
Benitez's spies took in the Copa Del Rey final defeat to Barcelona on Wednesday evening, and although Martinez has a buy out clause in his contract in the region of £24m, it is believed that they would be willing to do business at around half of that sum.
If he were to make the move to Anfield, the Spanish Under-21 star would join Alvaro Arbeloa, Fernando Torres, Xabi Alonso, Jose Reina and Albert Riera as the Spanish contingent grows under former Valencia boss Rafa Benitez.
Athletic Bilbao striker Fernando Llorente has also been the subject of transfer speculation, with Bayern Munich heading the list to take the player away from San Mames.
Liverpool To Launch £50m Bid For Manchester United's Tevez-Reports
According to reports, Liverpool are set to launch an audacious bid for Carlos Tevez.
The Argentinian forward, currently on a complex loan deal at Manchester United, looks set to leave Old Trafford this summer as the club are refusing to stump up the transfer fee demanded by his owners, Kia Joorabchian's Media Sports Investment (MSI) company.
However, Liverpool are ready to muscle in on the striker and offer an initial £26 million for his services.
Furthermore, the fee would be embellished by a £160,000-per-week wage offer, netting the former Corinthians star over £8 million a year.
Yesterday, it was reported that Tottenham Hotspur were ready to bid for Tevez, who has played two seasons at Old Trafford.
United insist that Tevez has a chance of remaining at Old Trafford, but the player himself has admitted that an exit is likely.
Should Tevez move to Merseyside, he would join Javier Mascherano in the Liverpool ranks. The pair moved to England together after the 2006 World Cup, joining West Ham United in an acrimonious transfer.
Keen On Johnson
According to Daily Star, Liverpool are preparing a £10m bid for Portsmouth right-back Glen Johnson.
Barry's price is set
Aston Villa officials would agree to sell their midfielder and skipper Gareth Barry (28) for £ 10 m.. Liverpool are interested.
Liverpool Keeping Tabs On Feyenoord Youngster Caztaignos-Report
According to The Guardian, Premier League giants Liverpool are closely monitoring the situation of highly rated youngster Luc Castaignos. The 16-year-old currently plays for Dutch side Feyenoord.
The young striker was part of the Holland Under-17 squad making it to the final in the UEFA U-17 European Championships last week and impressed the English scouts with his outstanding performances.
Castaignos was crowned top scorer of the tournament with three goals in five matches and scored the opener in the final. However, he couldn't prevent Germany from eventually picking up the title as Holland were beaten 2-1 after extra time.
The forward recently signed a three-year deal at Feyenoord, meaning that he won't leave the Rotterdam side on the cheap. They've reportedly set a €4 million asking price for Castaignos.
Liverpool Ponder Swoop For Middlesbrough's David Wheater
According to a report in the British broadsheet newspaper The Daily Telegraph, Liverpool are weighing up making an offer for Middlesbrough's David Wheater during the close-season.
The highly-rated centre-back recently announced that he would be happy to stay with Boro despite the club suffering relegation from the Premier League.
However, it is thought that the Teesside outfit may be forced to sell the England Under-21 international to balance the books, especially if they are unable to cash-in on Stewart Downing who is injured.
Apparently, Reds manager Rafa Benitez tried to sign the 6ft 5in defender last summer and also had an enquiry turned away during the January transfer window.
It is claimed that Birmingham City are also tracking Wheater and were recently quoted £9 million for acquiring his services, a fee which Benitez may be reluctant to meet due to a limited transfer kitty at Anfield.